Bertec Acquire questions & answers

Digital Acquire software is an easy-to-use data acquisition and analysis system
Answer by Saumya Sharma

Unfortunately, we do not have cutoff values for COP sway area and velocity to identify individuals at fall risk during single leg stance. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for fall risk assessments.

Swati Dubey
Answer by Swati Dubey

To calculate the sway area in Bertec Acquire, select the "Statistics" tab and click "Display Averages". This will show the COPx and COPy values as well as the sway area.

Answer by Ashish Bajaj

It is possible to calculate sway velocity in anteroposterior and mediolateral directions using the COPx and COPy values obtained from Bertec Acquire software. The formula for calculating sway velocity is: [(COPn - COPn-1) / (Tn - Tn-1)], where COPn and COPn-1 are the COP values at consecutive time points and Tn and Tn-1 are the time values at those points. Repeat this calculation for both the anteroposterior and mediolateral directions to get sway velocity in both directions.

Rajesh Gupta
Answer by Rajesh Gupta

The sway velocity can be calculated by dividing the total sway distance by the total sway time.

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